Thank you for your interest in helping us to transcribe our Digitized Collections!

Once you select an item if in the record it says Transcription Volunteer then the item has NOT been transcribed. 

Illegible words: use empty brackets [  ]. If you are not sure of the word, use brackets around your guess.  [tip: use the letters that you have and put them in a search on the internet and see what results you get.] Crossed out words: If the word(s) are legible add them in brackets without the line through them. The correct order of the words is not necessary.

Abbreviations: put exactly what the author has written. You may add what you think the word is an abbreviation for in brackets.  "Esq. [Esquire]."

Sketches or drawings: transcribe any captions. If there are no captions, *briefly* describe sketch. "[sketch: lake with trees]." 

Do not include author's original line breaks. You may include paragraph and page breaks if you choose, but it is not necessary. 

Transcribe one page at a time for large documents.  Transcribing an entire journal/diary/publication at once might be rather tedious and others may be transcribing the same item. 

Misspelled words: Transcribe word as author has written. Add word with correct spelling in brackets after. "acqueducs [aqueducts]"

1)   Transcribe the page that you have into an email or document
2)   Send your page transcription along with the item title to

3)    We will notify you about style and formatting if necessary, and for large documents inform you if other citizen transcribers are working on that same document. 

4)   Your transcription may be edited if necessary.

5)   Let us know if you do NOT want your name listed as one of our citizen curators.